2:48 p.m. - SPD wants all little ghosts and goblins to enjoy this annual celebration and for everyone to be safe. You can do so by practicing basic safety tips.
8:57 a.m. - The child has been located and is safe.
1:47 p.m. - In some situations citizens may not experience any difference in service, while the process for other calls will shift.
4:14 p.m. - On 10-23-22, just after 4 p.m., SPD received a call of a body found near the river in a remote location adjacent to the Peaceful Valley neighborhood.
10:09 a.m. - Initial SIIR release; Deputy involved shooting in Stevens County on 10-12-2022
8:25 a.m. - Officer-involved shooting after suspect immediately opens fire on officers during arrest attempt
12:17 p.m. - SPD’s Special Victims Unit makes arrest in apparent stranger rape
9:17 a.m. - The warning period for three new School Zone Safety Cameras will be Monday, Oct. 3 to Monday, Oct. 31.
For in progress crimes and emergencies call 911
To report a non-emergent crime contact:
To provide crime activity or suspect information that doesn't require immediate action contact:
For general police email contact:
For nuisance reports, including code violations (i.e. illegal camping, substantial litter in yards or alleys, graffiti, land use violations), parking complaints, and road condition issues contact:
Cpl. Nick Briggs