1:29 p.m. - The SPD Patrol Anti-Crime Team is asking for any help from the public in identifying the two men shown using stolen credit cards.
12:55 p.m. - Spokane Police arrest a burglar who was stabbed by the victim when he attempted to enter her house.
12:45 p.m. - SPD responded to a crash in Five Mile; the driver of that vehicle was arrested for Felony Hit and Run, 3 counts of Reckless Endangerment and DUI.
12:37 p.m. - The Spokane Police Department is asking the public's assistance in locating a person who was involved in a Jan. 18 domestic violence incident.
For in progress crimes and emergencies call 911
To report a non-emergent crime contact:
To provide crime activity or suspect information that doesn't require immediate action contact:
For general police email contact:
For nuisance reports, including code violations (i.e. illegal camping, substantial litter in yards or alleys, graffiti, land use violations), parking complaints, and road condition issues contact:
Cpl. Nick Briggs