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Videos for November 2013

Nov. 26

Talking collaborative police reform, a new fire agreement and more...

11 a.m. - Watch 28:13 - The City is working to improve critical citizen services, including police, fire and multicultural considerations.

Nov. 18

Tracking performance to improve service

2 p.m. - Watch 15:39 - Mayor David Condon is increasingly using data to make decisions that shape the future of the City

Nov. 13

Ready. Set. Snow?

11 a.m. - Watch 14:18 - The City's winter focus is driving safety, emergency response and keeping people and commerce moving

Nov. 12

Thank you. Each and every day

11:30 a.m. - Watch 12:04 - Honoring veterans in our community who have served our country.

Nov. 1

Tentative police contract strengthens oversight

10 a.m. - Watch 22:05 - A tentative agreement with the police guild that includes strengthened independent citizen oversight of the police department.