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Media Statements for June 2016

June 23

Mayor's statement on KC-46 tanker announcement

2:05 p.m. - Mayor David Condon, in a statement, called Fairchild Air Force Base "the perfect fit for the KC-46."

June 15

Mayor's statement on judge's decision

2:03 p.m. - Spokane Mayor David Condon issued the following statement about federal court Judge Thomas Rice’s decision.

June 7

Mayor's statement on human resources director

1 p.m. - Mayor David Condon thanked Human Resources Director Heather Lowe for her dedication and contributions in a statement.

June 6

City Council statement on Mosier derailment

2:59 p.m. - The Spokane City Council statement on the Oil Train accident in Mosier, OR

Mayor's statement on Promise Zone application

11:20 a.m. - Spokane Mayor David Condon issued the following statement about Spokane’s Promise Zone application.

June 1

Council President Statement regarding council resolution

9:22 a.m. - Council President Stuckart responds regarding a Council resolution adopted as part of the inquiry into former Police Chief Frank Straub's departure.